Listing Conversations
You can query the conversations in your account using the following paginated API endpoint.
Retrieves first page of conversations (all types):
Supporting Query Parameters:
Query Param | Type | Description |
limit (optional) | int | Max number of conversations to retrieve (max 50, default 25). |
next (optional) | int | Cursor param used for pagination (explained below) |
statusId (optional, repeatable) | int | Return only conversations that match the provided status code. Uses the following values: 1: OPEN 2: CLOSED 3: PENDING |
Sorting order
Conversations returned will be ordered by their
time with the most recently updated at the top of the list. Common conversation updates include status updates (i.e. closing the conversation) or a post of a new message to that conversation.
Example requests:
Retrieves open conversations (first page, up to 50):
Retrieves open and closed conversations (after the cursor value 50):
Example Response:
"data": [
"status": "closed",
"contactId": 1238157803,
"createdAt": 1237922759384,
"id": 1230200520,
"inboxId": 123064,
"updatedAt": 1237922783451
"status": "closed",
"contactId": 1238007734,
"createdAt": 1237921765994,
"id": 1230183727,
"inboxId": 123064,
"updatedAt": 1237921843271
"status": "closed",
"contactId": 1231375574,
"createdAt": 1237887731334,
"id": 1239406310,
"inboxId": 123064,
"updatedAt": 1237887796881
"pagination": { // field present if there are more conversations after this
"more": true,
"next": "123494893" // next cursor id value
"errors": [{
"type": {validation_error, not_found, ...},
"message": string,
"param": string (optional)
Thus, to retrieve the next set of conversations given this particular response, you would use the following query:
The top level fields won't all be present at once. If errors
is present, pagination
and data
won't be, moreover errors
will always have at least one item if it is present. If data
is present, errors
won't be. pagination
is present if data relates to something pageable.
Example Request
"data": [
"status": "closed",
"contactId": 1238157803,
"createdAt": 1237922759384,
"id": 1230200520,
"inboxId": 123064,
"updatedAt": 1237922783451
"status": "closed",
"contactId": 1238007734,
"createdAt": 1237921765994,
"id": 1230183727,
"inboxId": 123064,
"updatedAt": 1237921843271
"status": "closed",
"contactId": 1231375574,
"createdAt": 1237887731334,
"id": 1239406310,
"inboxId": 123064,
"updatedAt": 1237887796881
"pagination": { // field present if there are more conversations after this
"more": true,
"next": "7" // next cursor id value
What happens when I've reached the end of Pagination?
The "pagination" field will not appear in the response body once the search results are exhausted; the
field will contain the last remaining conversations at this point.
Known limitation
Organizations with large conversation volume (e.g. >1000 daily conversations) may not be able to read all conversations due to the current API implementation timing out. The team is aware of the issue and actively pursuing a solution. If you need to get all historic conversations please contact Drift Support.
Using older endpoints
GET /conversations
also allows scrolling across conversations, but has been deprecated as of v1.3 of the docs.
Updated almost 2 years ago