Updating a Contact
You can update a contact record in Drift by providing the contactId of the desired contact in Drift, with the appropriate properties to update in the patch body.
PATCH https://driftapi.com/contacts/{contactId}
Updating Attributes
PATCH https://driftapi.com/contacts/{contactId}
"attributes": {"attribute_name": attribute_val}
data: Contact
- We will only return success if an update occurred
Example update
PATCH https://driftapi.com/contacts/444406191
// Response
"data": {
"attributes": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"events": {},
"name": "Basic Contact",
"socialProfiles": {},
"start_date": 1618623390
"createdAt": 1618623390,
"id": 444406191

Updating Custom Attributes
To create and maintain custom attributes, just perform a PATCH with the new attribute and we will respect the attribute.
"super_important": "not really"
// Response
"data": {
"attributes": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"events": {},
"name": "Basic Contact",
"socialProfiles": {},
"start_date": 1618623390,
"super_important": "not really"
"createdAt": 1618623390,
"id": 444406191

Updated almost 4 years ago